ClassTech is involved with the following projects at different levels. Likewise, each of these projects is at a different stage of maturity. This page lists active projects within colleges as well as the demand on campus for AV design and consultation.
*Registration and Records controls scheduling in “110” classrooms.
*Departments use “Non-110” learning spaces at their discretion.
“110” Classrooms
- 1911 111
- Burlington 3108
- Caldwell G108
- Caldwell G109
- Cox Hall 204
- Cox Hall 209
- EB2 1212
- EB2 1229
- EB3 2236
- Fox 204
- Fox 296
- Leazar 316
- Poe 724
- Riddick 461
- SAS 2102
- SAS 2106
- Weaver 123B
- Winston 114
- Winston 20
- Withers 115
- Withers 130
- Withers 135
- Withers 145
Non “110” Learning Spaces
- Schaub G40
- Weaver 142
- Weaver 143
Administrative Spaces
- Park Alumni Center
- PENC Room (120)
- Hood Boardroom (216)
- Chancellor’s Reception (220)
- Eury Room (224)